Saturday, June 2, 2007

Received May 31, 2007

5/ 27

Man, I write so much that I don't have a clue what I wrote you last. I had a pretty good week, I suppose. I actually got to DO something which was super groovy. We did a confidence course with lots of super high climbing and stuff that was really fun. Most obstacles were really a struggle for short people and for people that were really afraid if heights. I was fine - and it was nice to be not only doing something but doing it well. I did take a really nice fall and landed flat on my butt, which is still super sore (it’s been a few days!).

We also did our bayonet course. That was pretty fun, too. They really wanted us to be super motivated and aggressive ( it seems that aggression is key when stabbing someone in the guy with a bayonet) so we had to yell a bunch of stuff in response to the drill sergeants questions. For example, What makes the green grass grow? BLOOD, BLOOD, BRIGHT RED BLOOD! What is the spirit of the bayonet? KILL, KILL, KILL WITHOUT MERCY! SO that was my Saturday.

Sundays are a mix of the best and the worst day of the week. It’s cool because it’s a day off but it also really sucks because the only thing there really is to do is sit around and talk or clean. You can only clean for so long, and then you have to talk to people. There are some females that I really like to talk to and they aren’t idiots, but the loud ones that you can never seem to get away from. (Especially since all the females in our platoon are in three rooms.) always end up either arguing about something really retarded, talking about how drunk they’re going to get when we graduate (and most of them are under 21 - way under) or their disinteresting home loves. Their lives seriously have to suck if the best things they can come up with to talk in about are so boring. That sounded really mean I guess. Oh well.

My heel is a whole lot better. It really doesn’t’ give me that much grief at all unless I’m running. If I can run 2 miles in 20 minuets and 30 seconds or less , I should graduate on time. Normally, that would be cake but it really hurts to run and I don’t know if I’ll be able to get it. We’ll see.

I’m optimistic about the whole thing.

Everyone here is so loud. They constantly try to talk over each other and it just gets louder and louder. Quality of life would be so much better if we had some quiet time. I didn’t expect this at all. I thought that, almost halfway through, there would be, like, some order and discipline.

But, honestly I just do my best to ignore all of it. There’s no way that anything I do by myself is going to change the behavior of 80 girls (especially when the drill sergeants don’t do it), so what’s the point of getting all upset about it?

I think that I wrote to you about changing rooms and being happy to get away from the drama?
Well, I really miss the old drama. The new living situation has the same amount of drama. It’s just that this bunch is the behind the back kind of drama girls so it took a while for it to be apparent just exactly what the situation really is. As annoying as it was to deal with the fireworks in the old room - I’d rather have that than all the backstabbing stuff. I wouldn’t necessarily say that I really like all of the people that were in that room but I had much more respect for them because at least they’re upfront about their drama.

And, did I mention that I’m really tired of the drama? Because I AM!!!!!!

So, what makes the green grass grow?


Ok, that’s enough for tonight. We have another day of sitting around to look forward to since tomorrow is a holiday. I think I might lock myself in a wall locker or something to get some peace! Oh well. I’m sure I’ll get plenty of time to write to you tomorrow. Goodnight!


Well, it’s about 9:30. I’ve been up since 5 doing jack-doody. We cleaned all day yesterday, so there’s really not much to clean. The floor in our sleeping bay has already been mopped 3 times because people are desperate for something to do. I have so far dusted the top of pretty much everything and scrubbed the shower walls. I’m pretty contend with my contribution to the cleaning effort, and now have no guilt about stretching out in the corner next to my wall locker, writing letters and *hopefully* sneaking in a nap because I’m so sleepy. Today we got up an 0500 but didn’t have formation until 0650. There was nothing to do for nearly 2 hours, but we had to get out of bed. I wanted to just sleep in 1 day so baldy. But, no, we have to be up and at ‘em for the holiday that the rest of the military ( well, a large portion of them, at least) gets off. Even though there’s nothing to do. So far the dramatics have been so bad but I’m pretty afraid that it’s just a matter of time. All of us just sitting around has a lot of potential to get ugly.

We’ll see!!

Did I write you since we officially went in to white phase? That happened last week…Thursday I think. Things are pretty much the same except people are allowed to run around the building at night and we have white phase banners in front of our formations now. Yay!

Well, I made it through the day of nothing. I cleaned my weapon ( that was already pristine), I watched Saving Private Ryan and We Were Soldiers, I did a crap-ton of push-ups , and I did a bunch sitting around on my butt, wishing I could be asleep. A nap would’ve been so nice today!

But, the Army says I’m getting plenty of sleep, so it must be true.



P.S. I just red this and it sounds like I’m really miserable. I’m really not! I’m actually have fun a lot of the time!